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Monthly Archives: February 2020

What Are Some Signs Of Child Abuse To Watch Out For?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A: Child abuse in Florida is not just sexual abuse and does not always occur at home. It can also be physical abuse as well as emotional and verbal abuse. If your child attends organizations such as clubs, daycare, school etc., you should be on the lookout for signs of physical abuse, which could… Read More »

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Is It Legal To Text While Driving In The State Of Florida?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A: As of July 31, 2009, texting while driving is legal in the state of Florida, but statistics from recent studies prove that the act is not only dangerous, but potentially fatal. Far too many drivers and passengers have been killed as a result of auto accidents caused by text messaging behind the wheel,… Read More »

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Does Obesity Qualify For Florida Social Security Benefits?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Question: My mom has been diagnosed by her Broward County doctor with morbid obesity. It’s gotten to the point that she can’t even hold a job. Do you know if she qualifies for Social Security disability benefits based on obesity? Answer: Yes and No. Yes, your mom may qualify for Florida Social Security disability… Read More »

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Are Disability Benefits Awarded To Parkinson’s Patients?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Question: My mother was recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease by her Broward County physician. Do you know what causes Parkinson’s and if it’s genetic?  Can she collect disability benefits for Parkinson’s? Answer: Florida patients can collect disability benefits for Parkinson’s disease.  With the assistance from an experienced Broward County Social Security attorney, the process… Read More »

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Eligibility For Social Security Disability Benefits In Florida

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Question: Is there a way to know if I am eligible for social security disability benefits in Florida? Answer: In order to file a Social Security benefit claim in Florida, a person must have been seriously injured and be disabled for one year or more, or have an illness that may result in death… Read More »

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How Does Someone Qualify For Florida Social Security Benefits Due To Hearing Loss?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Question: My husband’s hearing has gotten so bad, he’s practically deaf. He’s not of retirement age yet, and we need his income to get by. Do you know if he could qualify for Social Security benefits for his hearing loss? Answer: Some people appear to be harder of hearing than they truly are. That… Read More »

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What Is My Family’s Wrongful Death Rights After Losing Our Father In A Crash Caused By A Drunk Driver?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

We are saddened to hear that your dad died by a drunk driver and extend our deepest condolences to you and your family during this tragic time. When the death of a loved one is sudden and premature, it can be hard to accept and difficult to understand.  Sadly, you can’t do much to… Read More »

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I Have Been Recently Diagnosed With Congestive Heart Failure In Broward County. Up Until Now, I Have Been Working But Seem To Be Getting Worse. Can I File For Disability Benefits?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A: Congestive heart failure can be quite serious. It is important that you discuss your prognosis with your doctor and see if you are able to continue to work. If your condition is getting worse, you may be eligible for disability benefits for congestive heart failure in Broward County. You need to contact your… Read More »

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I Have A Rare Heart Disease And I’m Unable To Work. How Can I Find Out If My Condition Is Covered By Social Security Disability?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

To acquire the most comprehensive disability benefits possible, it is vital to contact a qualified Broward County Social Security Attorney who specializes in Disability and Heart Disease. Social Security realizes that not every serious condition falls under the SSA’s listing of impairments. Since July of 2011, the SSA implemented the Compassionate Allowances (also known… Read More »

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How Do I Know If I Can Collect Damages From A Wrongful Death Accident In Florida? I Lost My Father In An Accident And Heard That I May Be Eligible To File A Wrongful Death Claim. I Am 24-Years-Old.

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Having worked with many individuals as a South Florida wrongful death attorney, I know the anguish families face losing a loved one.  This is especially true if the cause of death was the fault of a negligent party.  A wrongful death can leave you with many different expenses as well the heartache of your… Read More »

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