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Monthly Archives: February 2020

My Husband Just Started Riding A Motorcycle To Work To Save Money On Gas. What Are Risks Of Riding A Motorcycle In Florida?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Since Florida is a popular tourist destination and host of multiple motorcycle events, motorcycle accident and fatalities statistics run rather high. In 2010, almost 7,000 motorcycle crashes occurred. Most people assume that it’s the younger group that accounts for most of the accidents. Read on, not so. Interesting Florida Motorcycle Accident Facts: Males age… Read More »

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What Are Some Of The Most Common Injuries In Bicycle Accidents?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

While every bicycle accident-related injury will be different, bicyclists are commonly known to suffer bone fractures in accidents. Unfortunately, our bones aren’t able to withstand certain forces put on them. When a bicyclist makes impact with a car or object, the force can cause the bone to break resulting in one of the ten… Read More »

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I Was In A South Florida Motorcycle Accident And Didn’t Seek Medical Attention.

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

I was in a South Florida motorcycle accident and didn’t seek medical attention. Days later I went to the doctor, and he told me I had a broken bone. What are the signs of having a broken bone? You are not alone. Many motorcyclists go through a type of unique shock that allows their… Read More »

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What Are The Legal Consequences Of Getting A DUI In The State Of Florida?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Floridians would be better off to think before they drink. That’s because within the state of Florida, a DUI stays on your record for 75 years. That’s the court’s way of sending a message that if you drink and drive, you will be remembered for that for the rest of your life. Read below… Read More »

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Are Motorcycle Accident Injuries Covered By Florida’s PIP Insurance?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

When motorcyclists suffer injuries in South Florida motorcycle accidents, they often want to know if they can seek coverage under Florida’s Personal Injury Insurance Protection (PIP) insurance. However, because the law doesn’t require motorcyclists to carry PIP insurance—as it is only required for vehicles with four wheels or more—the coverage does not extend to… Read More »

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How Much Is My Motorcycle Injury Claim Worth That Involves PTSD?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

If you are suffering from PTSD, then you already know that this condition can turn your world upside down. You may have never before had anxiety, worried, lived in fear, or had trouble in social settings, but now you do. Not only may you be in a constant state of worry, but PTSD may… Read More »

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Before Deciding To Put My Mom In A South Florida Nursing Home, I Want To Know The Likelihood That She Could Become A Victim Of Elder Abuse?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Current research reports that 90% of nursing homes are staffed at such low levels, that the incidence rate for nursing home abuse in Florida is rising. While over 1.5 million elderly persons live in nursing homes, very few cases of abuse are actually reported. In fact, only one in 14 nursing home abuse incidences… Read More »

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Is Dehydration A Form Of Nursing Home Abuse?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Dehydration may first appear to be quite minor, when uttered in the same sentence as nursing home abuse. But elder abuse comes in different shapes and forms than those which are easy to spot with the eye. Since dehydration is completely avoidable, it is considered a form of Florida nursing home abuse under certain… Read More »

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What Is The Best Way To Find A Good Nursing Home?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

We are glad to see you are asking this question. Unfortunately, many people end up enrolling their elderly parents into the closest nursing home—not even knowing if the home has good or bad reviews. Because not all nursing homes are the same, it is important to do your research before placing your mother or… Read More »

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How Do I Find Out If A Nursing Home Has Bad Ratings?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

When looking for a nursing home to place your elderly mother or father in, you already know how important it is to do your homework. By conducting research on the facility, you will be able to determine if a nursing home has good reviews or bad ratings. There are several resources you can check… Read More »

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