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4 Reasons You Should Hire An Attorney For Nursing Home Abuse

Making a decision about care for an elderly loved one is one of the toughest decisions that a person will ever make. If you suspect that your loved one has undergone nursing home abuse or neglect, it is important to have an experienced attorney. When you decide to have an attorney assist with your case, they should prepare a strong case by:

  • researching the law to determine which laws best fit your case
  • collect evidence
  • identify and interview all witnesses
  • locate expert consultants
  • negotiate with opposing counsel

Everyone at the Law Offices of David M. Benenfeld P.A is committed to ending neglect and abuse and bringing perpetrators to justice. We can help you protect your loved one and recover the compensation that they deserve. With years of experience and a solid reputation defending the elderly, you can be sure that we will provide you with the best legal counsel possible. Contact us today to talk about your rights and legal needs.

Source: MorgueFile

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