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Reduce Your Child’s Chance Of A Bicycle Accident In South Florida With Bicycle Safety Tips

Drivers are often in a hurry, distracted, or focused on traffic that they fail to see bicyclists or yield to them. Because children are smaller and more difficult to see, children on bicycles are especially vulnerable and are at an increased risk for being in a bicycle accident. For this reason, children who ride their bikes to school need to be taught how to ride safely around traffic.

Bicycle Safety Tips for Riding to School

Many children ride their bicycles to school, and their parents want them to get to school in one piece. Because no one wants to see a child get injured while bicycling, parents need to remind their children of some bicycle safety tips, including:

  • Wear a bicycle helmet
  • Always pay attention to the road and drivers
  • Ride in the same direction as traffic
  • Obey road rules, stop signs, and signal lights
  • Ride in a straight line and be predictable and safe
  • Wear bright colors
  • Never listen to music or use your iphone or ipod when riding

Because it takes two for bicyclists to stay safe in traffic, drivers should also be reminded of several safety tips to help increase a bicyclist’s safety, including:

  • Drive the speed limit
  • Slow down in school zones
  • Look out for bicyclists, especially in school zones
  • Don’t drive distracted, drowsy, or impaired
  • Yield to bicyclists
  • Allow enough room when passing a bicyclists

If your child was injured in a bicycle accident in South Florida, contact the Law Office of David Benenfeld today. You can speak with a knowledgeable bicycle accident attorney in Fort Lauderdale in a free consultation at 954-677-0155.

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