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Types Of Injuries Drugged Drivers In Florida Cause Innocent Victims

Drugged drivers in Florida and across this nationwide present a very serious threat on the roadways. Whether drivers are smoking pot while driving or have smoked marijuana within the hours leading up to driving, drugged driving is risky and could be potentially fatal. In fact, 3,952 drivers fatally injured in crashes tested positive for drugs, according to Gil Kerlikowske, director of National Drug Control Policy.

The risks to the public are serious, which is why Mothers Against Drunk Driving launched a campaign to remind drivers about the dangers of drugged driving. When people are under the influence of marijuana, they can suffer from the following:

  • Delayed reflexes and reaction times
  • Trouble with coordination
  • Impaired judgment

When drivers have impaired judgment, delayed reactions and coordination problems, they are not able to drive safely. Unfortunately, these behaviors are likely to lead to a crash in Florida and nationwide. When people are hit by drugged drivers, the injuries are serious including:

  • Broken bones
  • Neck and back injuries (e.g., herniated disc)
  • Broken ribs
  • Punctured lungs
  • Head trauma
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Amputated limbs
  • Fatal injuries

Sadly, stoned driving will continue to grow as acceptance for marijuana use continues and more and more people have access to pot. While alcohol still remains the leading substance to alter someone’s mind, marijuana is the most common non-alcoholic substance detected in toxicology screenings following deadly crashes.

If you have been injured or a loved one has been killed by a drugged driver, you are entitled to maximum financial compensation for your medical bills, damages, and losses. Find out how the Law Office of David Benenfeld can help you get the benefits that you deserve. Call to speak with an experienced injury attorney in South Florida in a free consultation at 954-677-0155 today.

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