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A motorcycle accident can be one of life’s most stressful situations. I know this because I have been representing only injured people since 1994. I’ve literally helped thousands and thousands and thousands of people get through these most difficult times, and I found that it never seems to get any easier.

I have seen honest, hard-working people who have legitimate claims have their cases literally fall apart because they did not understand how their claims work. Nor did anyone explain to them the importance of doing or saying certain things and therefore their cases go down the drain.

I have seen the BIG INSURANCE COMPANIES LATCH LIKE PITBULLS onto these “MISTAKES” and because of these “MISTAKES” the claims are DOOMED FOR FAILURE. The worst part about it is, the accidents were not the injured parties’ fault. Because of not understanding the proper things to do or say in their claims they are left empty-handed while the person who caused the accident, walks away SCOTT FREE.

Your Legal Guide to Motorcycle Injury Compensation
  • Insurance tweaks you should make right now.
  • Mistakes that ruin your case.
  • How to win 2.5 times more money.
  • And many more tips to get the maximum for your injury.

Download Our Free Guide & Discover How You Can get PAID and Get Justice!


This is why, once I am retained as your motorcycle accident lawyer, I will conduct an examination into your case that may show roadway defects, intoxicated motorists, aggressive or careless drivers, or simply negligent motorists that caused your motorcycle crash and injuries. This may be done by not only visiting the accident site, but also by collecting evidence and by talking to witnesses as well as potentially employing accident investigation experts to help determine what really happened.

I am aggressive in seeking monetary damages through our investigation and I am often able to uncover facts that will allow me to get you the maximum compensation you deserve.

I will work tirelessly to get your medical bills paid, and to make sure that the insurance company is going to pay for future treatment related to your injuries, and also to make sure that you do not suffer financially.

I will discuss your situation with you and go over all of the options available to you. Should the amount of monetary compensation offered to you not be fair, and will not take into account your needs, rest assured, I have no problem taking the negligent parties to court to help you obtain the maximum compensation you deserve, along with justice.

When you call my office, you can count on our team to act aggressively, decisively, and intelligently in pursuit of your claim. Our office is dedicated to your claim and will serve as your voice in all matters pertaining to it. We will launch an investigation putting together every piece of evidence related to your accident. We will talk to witnesses and we may work with an accident reconstruction expert to analyze the physical evidence and to re-create the crash.

We work to identify every liable party and demand appropriate compensation. Depending on the circumstances of your case, this could mean pursuing damages from the at fault driver, from the manufacturer of a defective part (faulty brakes for example), or even for example from the government due to a poorly designed road. We will negotiate from a position of strength, and in many cases this means that we are able to obtain appropriate motorcycle insurance settlements and spare clients from having to go to court.

Attorney with motorcycle But again, should the insurance companies offers not meet your expectations, we are always prepared to take the case before a judge and jury.

We will go the extra mile to take care of you while you focus on your recovery. If you need medical treatment, we know physicians and specialists who will see you. We can also help to arrange repairs to your bike, if needed.

We will keep you informed every step of the way so that our clients are never in the dark about the status of their claims. We are always available to answer your questions.
We are here for you. We have never represented an insurance company. NEVER HAVE, NEVER WILL! I only represent the injured.

Remember, insurance adjusters are loyal to their employers, the insurance company. Shouldn’t you have an advocate loyal to you? Let us at MYBIKERLAWYER.COM become YOUR BIKER LAWYER. We are here to help 24/7.

My Promise to You
  • We will offer free ANSWERS about your injury case and CLEARLY EXPLAIN your legal options.
  • We will take NO PAYMENTS UP FRONT and well take NO FEE UNLESS WE WIN your case.
  • We will not be satisfied until you win FULL COMPENSATION, BENEFITS and JUSTICE for your accident or insurance dispute.

David M. Benenfeld – Florida Biker Lawyer, Law Offices of David M. Benenfeld, P.A. 

What’s included
  • 24-Hour Accident Hotline
  • No Recovery/No Fee for Personal Injury Claims
  • Free Representation for Motorcycle Damage Claims
  • Free Legal Advice to your motorcycle organization
  • Free Home & Hospital Visit
  • Free Motorcycle Insurance Policy Coverage Review
What are the most common causes of motorcycle accidents?

Although motorcycle accidents occur for many reasons, some of the most common reasons (that are not the motorcyclist’s fault) include:

  • Texting while driving;
  • Low visibility (and the driver fails to adjust his speed to account for the reduced visibility);
  • Road hazards (a mere pothole, for example, could cause a serious motorcycle accident); and
  • Tire blowouts.
What actions should I take after a motorcycle accident?

Take the following actions, to the extent that your physical condition permits:

  • Move your motorcycle off the road and to a safe location.
  • Take photos of injuries, property damage, skid marks, traffic signals and signs, and weather and road conditions.
  • Get the contact information of witnesses, and get insurance information, license plate numbers, and driver’s license numbers from the other driver.
  • Obtain a police report.
  • Go to the hospital as soon as possible, even if you believe you were not seriously injured.
  • Keep all accident-related records – notes on conversations with witnesses, your own personal description of the accident, medical treatment reports and bills, etc.
Is lane-splitting legal in Florida?
No, lane-splitting is illegal in every US state except California. Lane-splitting shouldn’t damage your claim, however, unless it was the cause of the accident.
Can I still recover damages if I wasn’t wearing a helmet?
Under Florida law, you are required to wear a helmet while driving or riding on a motorcycle, unless you have at least $10,000 in medical insurance that will cover the costs of any injury you may suffer. If were not wearing a helmet, you likely cannot recover any damages that would probably not have occurred if you had been wearing one (head injuries, for example), even if the accident was not your fault.  However, you could still recover for other injuries.
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