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Janitors Have A Particularly High Risk Of Workplace Injuries


Custodians, or janitors, who work in many different types of workplaces are often at a particularly high risk of injury on the job, according to an article in Safety + Health Magazine. Indeed, based on a study discussed in the article, about one out of every five janitors surveyed reported that they had been injured while working in the last year, suggesting that custodians may sustain workplace injuries at a higher rate than workers in many other industries or professions. Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) supports this suggestion, revealing that janitors sustain an average of 50,000 injuries on an annual basis that are serious enough to require days off from work.

Those numbers mean that janitors or custodians actually may suffer nonfatal injuries at a higher rate than construction workers, and have a high risk of workplace injury that places their likelihood of getting hurt on the job behind only loggers and fishermen, farmers, and roofers. What do you need to know about custodial work and injuries on the job? Our South Florida workers’ compensation lawyers have information to help you.

Common Types of Janitorial Injuries at Work 

What types of injuries are most common for custodians or janitors, and what are the causes of those injuries? The following are some of the most frequent nonfatal injuries reported by janitors:

  • Slip and fall accidents and injuries, which can often include broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, sprains, strains, and back injuries;
  • Musculoskeletal injuries or disorders, especially those resulting from repetitive motions or overexertion, such as shoulder and back injuries, or tendonitis;
  • Pathogen exposure, which can result in a custodian becoming infected with an infectious disease;
  • Chemical exposure, which can lead to organ damage or a higher likelihood of developing certain types of cancer.

Causes of Janitor Work Injuries

Why do many injuries happen during janitorial work? The following are some frequently cited reasons for accidents, exposures, and injuries:

  • Lack of effective personal protective equipment (PPE);
  • Lack of proper training in handling hazardous substances, or in properly lifting;
  • Rushing on the job, which often leads to slips and falls;
  • Poor-quality tools; and
  • Inadequate cleaning supplies.

Seeking Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Florida After a Workplace Injury in a Job as a Custodian or Janitor 

If you were injured on the job while working as a custodian or janitor, you may be eligible to file a workers’ compensation claim. It will be important to ensure that you do all of the following in order to get the benefits you need:

  • Report the injury to your employer as soon as possible, but before 30 days have passed since the date of the injury at the very latest;
  • Seek medical attention so that you will have medical evidence to prove that your injury occurred on the job; and
  • Get help from an experienced Pompano Beach workers’ compensation lawyer who can help you with your claim.

Seek Advice from Our Pompano Beach Workers’ Compensation Attorneys 

Do you need assistance seeking workers’ compensation benefits? One of our workers’ compensation lawyers in Pompano Beach can begin working with you today. Contact the Law Offices of David M. Benenfeld, P.A. for more information.


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