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Commercial Fishing Injuries In South Florida


Did you know that commercial fishing is one of the most dangerous professions in the U.S. and in the world? The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission provides data that shows how common commercial fishing work is in Florida, so it is particularly important to understand how dangerous commercial fishing work can be. According to a recent report from the Pew Charitable Trusts, there are more than 100,000 deaths every year that result from commercial fishing, and many of these injuries are entirely avoidable with appropriate safety protocols. If you were injured while doing any kind of commercial fishing work, it is also important to know that you may need to seek compensation through a route other than a claim through the Florida workers’ compensation system. Our Fort Lauderdale workers’ compensation lawyers can provide you with more information.

Common Commercial Fishing Dangers and Injuries 

What is so dangerous about the commercial fishing industry? The following are common hazards that result in injuries:

  • Falls overboard resulting in drowning accidents;
  • Vessel crashes;
  • Flooding onboard the vessel; and
  • Severe weather.

How to Seek Compensation After an Injury Arising Out of Commercial Fishing Work in South Florida

 Many commercial fishing workers who are injured on the job will need to seek compensation through laws that are distinct from Florida workers’ compensation laws. More specifically, many commercial fishing lawyers will need to file claims for compensation through the Jones Act (also known as the Merchant Marine Act of 1920), or through the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA). These are federal laws that provide compensation for marine workers and for workers who are injured doing jobs near water, such as on docks.

It is important to understand that, while these are federal laws, they apply to workers in private commercial fishing work. To be clear, you do not need to be a federal or state government worker in order to seek compensation through these laws for a workplace injury, and in fact, most people who seek compensation through these laws are not government employees.

If you perform work for a commercial fishing company that does not involve work on the water or on docks and you are injured on the job, you will then likely need to file a claim through the Florida workers’ compensation system. A workers’ compensation attorney in Fort Lauderdale can evaluate your case to provide you with more information about how to move forward with a claim.

Contact a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Fort Lauderdale 

Anyone who has been injured while doing commercial fishing work in South Florida may be able to seek workers’ compensation benefits. As we have discussed above, this is an extremely dangerous profession that involves a wide range of serious injury risks. Whether you were injured yourself, or you lost a family member in a commercial fishing accident, it is essential to seek advice from one of the experienced Fort Lauderdale workers’ compensation lawyers at the Law Offices of David M. Benenfeld, P.A. to find out more about obtaining coverage. Our firm can help you to seek compensation for yourself or death benefits in the event a loved one was killed in a commercial fishing accident.


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