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Construction Site Hammer Injuries

Machinery Accident Lawyer | Sunrise, FL | Call 954-677-0155

When construction workers take on various tasks on construction sites, they are often at serious risk of injury. Indeed, construction work can be extremely dangerous, and the construction industry has one of the highest rates of work-related injuries and deaths, so it is particularly important for workers to be aware of safety hazards and to take precautions. Many different kinds of tools and machinery on construction sites can be involved in accidents and injuries, including hammers. When a hammer injury occurs, the injured worker may be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. It is important to get in touch with an experienced Pompano Beach workers’ compensation attorney who can assist you with your claim. In the meantime, we can tell you more about hammer injuries and seeking compensation.

Different Types of Construction Site Hammers 

There are many different types of hammers that are used on a construction site that can cause serious injuries. In some cases, certain types of hammers and related machines are linked with construction site deaths. The following are all types of hammers that can be used on construction work, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and

  • Drop hammer;
  • Ball pein hammer;
  • Hand drilling hammer;
  • Mallets;
  • Shingling hatchets;
  • Curved claw hammer (nail hammer); and
  • Straight claw hammer (rip hammer).

Commonly Reported Hammer Injuries on Construction Sites 

Hammer injuries can vary quite widely. OSHA keeps a record of hammer injuries, and the following are among the common ones cited:

  • Fingertip amputation while operating a drop hammer;
  • Head injury when employee is struck by a falling hammer;
  • Thumb crushed by a hammer;
  • Arm amputated in drop hammer accident;
  • Fingertip fracture;
  • Fingertip contusion; and
  • Fingertip laceration.

Workers’ Compensation and Construction Accident Injuries 

Under Florida law, any employer in the construction industry that has one or more employees — and that number can include the owner of the business — is required to have workers’ compensation coverage. As such, if you are employed by a construction company or by any employer in the construction industry, your employer is required to have workers’ compensation coverage.

In order to obtain compensation, you will need to report the hammer injury to your employer as soon as possible, but at a maximum within 30 days from the date of your injury. You will also need to seek medical attention. If your hammer injury requires initial emergency care, you can get treatment from any medical provider. For non-emergency and follow-up care, you will need to receive care from an approved health care provider.

Contact a Pompano Beach Workers’ Compensation Lawyer 

Construction sites pose many risks to construction workers, and injuries occur much more frequently than they should. If you were injured by a hammer on a construction site, you could be eligible to obtain workers’ compensation coverage and should seek legal advice as soon as possible. One of the experienced Pompano Beach workers’ compensation attorneys at the Law Offices of David M. Benenfeld, P.A. can talk with you today about workers’ compensation benefits for construction workers and the steps you will need to take in order to obtain compensation.


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