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I Think Something Is Wrong With The Care My Mom Is Receiving At Her Nursing Home And Am Not Sure How To Bring It Up And Ask Her About It. Do You Have Recommendations?

If you have noticed your mom’s hygiene or appearance has started to decline, or if you have ever witnessed her sitting in foul sheets or have noticed visible bruising and ulcers, these could be signs that something is definitely wrong. These signs could be indicators that your mom is being neglected or abused by the nursing home staff.

Because many elderly patients are embarrassed about these things, they might not bring attention to the issue. This is why their adult kids might need to be their advocates and watch out for any of these issues and bring up any concerns to their parents. Because this type of conversation is often tough to have, here are some tips to help you to get this sensitive conversation started.

  • Gather your notes. Before you have this tough talk with your parents it is best to gather some information to present to your loved one. However, don’t start out with this information, instead ask questions.
  • Ask your parent open ended questions such as “How’s your health? Do you like living here? How is the care you are receiving?”
  • Be indirect and use examples. You could say something along the lines of “I read about a lady who was being neglected in a nursing home.”
  • Set the right tone. Don’t get angry or accusatory. Be calm, patient and understanding.
  • Be direct if you think you need to. Let your mother know that you can help her.

Contact the Offices of Attorney David M. Benenfeld if you think your elderly loved one is being mistreated in a nursing facility.

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