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I Have Been Suffering From Arthritis In Broward County For Many Years In My Hands And Feet. It Is Getting More Difficult For Me To Work. Would I Be Eligible For Disability Benefits?

A: It is not an easy process in qualifying for Broward County disability benefits. There has to be proof that you are disabled from your arthritis and unable to carry on with your everyday activities.

The Social Security Administration has rules that they must follow called the Listing of Impairments. This listing does include arthritis pain sufferers and the eligibility for disability benefits.

When the Social Security Administration is making their evaluation on a Broward County arthritis sufferer, it is trying to determine if there is a disability from your arthritis pain and if it is severe enough to meet the listing for joint dysfunction. If it is found that your Broward County arthritis pain impairs you from your daily activities, you may be classified as disabled and qualify for Broward County disability benefits.

There are many steps in filing a Broward County disability claim. If it is done incorrectly the claim may be rejected.

Our office is experienced with filing Social Security disability benefit claims and can work with you to get the job done. An experienced Broward County disability attorney can assist you with the filings and follow-up of your case. Although the process is lengthy, the benefits can be rewarding.

Call the Law Offices of David Benenfeld to speak to a knowledgeable disability benefits attorney for a consultation today at 954-677-0155.

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