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I Believe My Mother Is Being Abused At Her Nursing Home, But How Can I Get Her To Tell Me?

It can be very difficult to approach this subject, but it is best to bring it up in case your elderly mother is being abused by someone at the nursing home. Sometimes coming out and asking for this information can be too direct, so in order to determine if she is in an abusive situation you can ask her several questions including:

  • Do you like living here?
  • Is there anything that bothers you about being here?
  • Do you get food and water frequently?
  • Is the service good, or do you feel neglected?
  • Has anyone been mean to you?
  • Are you ever forced to stay in bed?
  • Has any of your stuff gone missing?

When asking her these questions, make sure you are not asking her in front of anyone that works at the nursing home. Even an aid who seems nice to you could be the person who is causing your loved one harm. Make sure you realize that if your mother is being neglected or abused, she might be too afraid or embarrassed to tell you.

Try and use her answers and the way she behaves to help you determine if she is being abused. If you suspect your mother is being harmed, you can visit her more frequently, look for signs of abuse, and talk to her again. If she does admit to being neglected or abused at the hands of her caregiver, you need to contact a Fort Lauderdale nursing home abuse lawyer to protect your loved one. Call the Law Office of David Benenfeld for a free consultation today at 954-677-0155.

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