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Do I Have A Legal Case If My Husband Died As A Result Of Pneumonia In A Nursing Home?

Pneumonia in the elderly is a common health concern due to weakened immune systems. Sadly, many elderly individuals die every year as a result of pneumonia. If your husband was not properly cared for and was neglected in a nursing home, you may have a legal case against the negligent nursing home for your loss.

Additionally, if a nursing home used a feeding tube to provide your loved one with food and liquids, they may have contributed to the onset of pneumonia. Nursing homes have a responsibility to provide quality care and attention to keep their residents safe and free from harm.

Pneumonia, especially aspiration pneumonia, can be the result of nursing home neglect and poor care. For example, nursing home workers should have been able to spot signs of aspiration pneumonia such as difficulty swallowing and breathing, a persistent cough, wheezing, and fever, among other signs.

If the nursing home didn’t provide the proper preventative care, reduce the risks of pneumonia from developing, or hospitalize and get your husband the proper treatment in time, you may have legal recourse against the nursing home for failing to care for your husband. However, the nursing home won’t come out and tell you they are guilty of these things. For this reason, you need a Florida nursing home abuse lawyer on your side to investigate and help you seek justice and just compensation. Call the Law Offices of David Benenfeld at 954-677-0155 for a complimentary consultation today.

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