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Can I Sue For Wrongful Death After My Daughter Died In An Apartment Fire Because The Fire Alarm Didn’t Work?

Yes. You more than likely have a Florida wrongful death lawsuit on your hands. Apartments are supposed to have working fire alarm systems in place. When landlords fail to make sure the fire alarms work, they can be held liable. However, the smoke alarm could have been defective, and the manufacturer could be the one to hold responsible.

When a fire alarm system fails to work and injuries and deaths result, the smoke detectors will indicate if the battery was old, if the smoke detectors were installed improperly, or if there was a defect that caused the fire alarm not to work.

It is very important to hire a lawyer as soon as possible so he can get started investigating the fire to determine if you have a wrongful death lawsuit against a landlord, smoke alarm manufacturer, or other party.

While we understand that no amount of money will bring your daughter back, holding a negligent party financially responsible does help in the start of your recovery. Contact an experienced Florida wrongful death attorney at the Law Offices of David Benenfeld at 954-677-0155 for a free consultation and learn more about your rights.

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