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Can I Collect Damages After Being Injured In A Trucking Accident?

Question: I was injured in a Broward County trucking accident. An 18-wheeler jackknifed right before my eyes, causing my car to get stuck in the middle of a huge collision. What should I do? Can I receive compensation for my losses and injuries?

Answer: When a big rig weighing almost 100,000 pounds slices its trailer across a four lane highway, the little guy driving his 3,000 pound passenger vehicle doesn’t stand much of a chance.

Jackknifing trucking accidents often occur due to the negligence of the driver, or to an issue related to the manufacturing of the truck.  Jackknifing accidents are often caused by wheel lock from sudden braking, road conditions, or driver fatigue.

If you have been involved in any type of Broward County trucking accident, then you have most likely experienced one of the most horrific and devastating moments of your life.  It is essential that you seek expert legal advice from a South Florida Truck Accident Attorney. You are likely eligible for the following compensations:

  • Medical bills
  • Personal Property Damages
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Lost Wages
  • Lost Future Wages

If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident with a truck, contact attorney David M. Benenfeld for a free case evaluation.

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