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What Recovery Is Available In A Wrongful Death Case?

A: When your loved one suffers due to someone else’s negligence, it may be considered wrongful death.In the case of medical malpractice, when a doctor’s mistakes leads to a patient’s death, a wrongful death case should be pursued.

A spouse of a victim, the victim’s children, and the estate can recover damages and losses. Also, if you are a blood relative who relies partially or fully on the deceased, then you can recover for losses. Some of the damages that can be recovered include:

  • Lost wages and financial damages
  • Emotional pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of companionship
  • Loss of support
  • Loss of services

Family members can also collect financial compensation for the deceased’s funeral costs, medical bills, and any other cost that was related to the medical malpractice wrongful death accident in Florida.

In order to find out what exactly you may be entitled to, you should talk with a qualified Fort Lauderdale wrongful death attorney. Call the Law Office of David Benenfeld at 954-677-0155 to schedule a free, no obligation legal consultation.

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