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I Know Many People Who Are Outraged By The Acquittal Of George Zimmerman On Grounds Of Racial Discrimination. How Much Does Race Play A Part In Wrongful Death Lawsuits And Outcomes?

You seem to be asking if all victims are treated fairly, without regard to race. In the case of Trayvon Martin who was African-American, countless protesters are having their say when it comes to speaking out against the racial undertones of this highly controversial case.

Thousands still speculate that Martin’s death occurred due to racial profiling. In July, more than 2,000 protesters appeared in front of CNN in Atlanta, a group of pastors held a prayer service in Sanford, Florida, and in Washington’s Justice Department another group from the National Black Church Initiative called for civil rights claims against Zimmerman. Multiple protesters also gathered in Cleveland carrying Skittles (the candy Martin was carrying when he was killed), as well as marchers in Time Square of Manhattan, NY.

Clearly, there is a quantifiable amount of protest to ascertain that people believe this acquittal was based on racism. Family members who have wrongfully lost a loved one suffer immeasurable loss. It is vital that victims and families receive expert advice from a qualified Broward County Wrongful Death Attorney like David M. Benenfeld. Contact our offices today.

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