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I Have Taken Over The Counter Pain Relievers For Years. My Broward County M.D. Just Told Me I May Be At Risk For Liver Disease, Or Cirrhosis. I’m Not Even A Drinker, Is That Possible?

True, most of us associate Cirrhosis with heavy drinkers, but that’s not always the case. In fact, research has proven that overuse of acetaminophen is a major contributor of Cirrhosis, a type of chronic liver disease. Since these ingredients are common to many over the counter meds, people may be unaware of the amount and frequency of their ingestion.

The liver is a major power house of the body, one of the most vital and largest organs of the body. If the liver is continuously inflamed, it typically becomes scarred, and unable to function. Now for Florida individuals that drink between 2-4 glasses of alcohol everyday, plus the overuse of certain medications, the likelihood of Cirrhosis is extremely likely.

If you have been diagnosed with Cirrhosis or liver disease in Broward County, you may be eligible for Florida Social Security benefits. Contact the Law Office of David Benenfeld for a FREE consultation to help you with your claim. Call: 954-677-0155.

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