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How Can We Prove A Wrongful Death Claim To Hold The Other Driver Liable?

In order to prove a wrongful death claim and hold someone responsible, there are three things you much prove, including:

  1. Establish someone else was at fault and acted negligently. For example, the death of your loved one could have been the result of a drunk driver, poorly designed highway, or defective car.
  2. Show that that your loved one has a spouse, children, or other dependents. You can either prove this through a wedding license, birth certificate, or a will that lists the beneficiaries.
  3. Show that the death of your loved one resulted in monetary damages. This can include the loss of income he or she would have made over his or her lifetime.

Because wrongful death cases need substantial evidence to help you win the case, you need to hire an attorney experienced in deadly car accident cases. Experienced lawyers know how to prove your Florida wrongful death car crash case and fight for every penny you and your family is entitled to.

Because there is a lot at stake in a wrongful death case, it is critical that you hire an experienced South Florida wrongful death attorney to help you win your case. Contact the Law Offices of David Benenfeld at 954-677-0155 for a free consultation today.

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