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3 Steps to Take At The Scene of A Car Accident

While we may be the most conscientious drivers on the road, unfortunate events can still occur despite our best efforts to avoid them.  A fender bender can happen at any time, and if you are involved in a car accident there are certain steps you should take to ensure that you’re able to successfully recoup any losses you have suffered as a result of the accident.

Car accidents can result in damage to your vehicle and even physical injuries to yourself or your passengers.  If injuries are severe enough, you can even suffer a loss of income due to inability to work while you are recuperating.  Make sure your losses are kept to a minimum by taking these steps if you are involved in a car accident:

  1. Get information from the other driver, including their vehicle insurance data.  Make sure you include the name of the insurance carrier and the policy number, and get the VIN number and license plate of the other vehicle, as well.

  2. Once the police have arrived to investigate, be careful about what you say to the investigating officer.  Do not agree to any suggestions as to how the accident occurred and do not volunteer information that wasn’t specifically requested.  What you say can be used against you in a future claim or investigation.

  3. Obtain a copy of the police officer’s accident report, or find out how to get a copy, so you can provide it to your attorney if you will be pursuing a claim or litigation.

The final step to take is to contact the Law Offices of David M. Benenfeld P.A as soon as possible, so we can start working immediately to ensure that your rights are protected.

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