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Defective Auto Products Lead To South Florida Car Accidents

Automobile manufacturers when producing parts for automobiles and other motor vehicles need to make sure that the products advertised or displayed are not dangerous to the public. South Florida car accidents that are caused by a defective product in a vehicle can be deadly and devastating.

When a person has purchased a vehicle, it is with the assumption and confidence that the vehicle will operate correctly and safely. If there is a defect in any of the parts in the vehicle, a serious accident can occur.

If a defective product in an automobile causes a South Florida car accident, it can hurt or kill the driver, a passenger or a pedestrian on the street. Severe damage to the vehicle is usually the result of a defective product car crash.

Any victim involved in an automobile accident due to a defective or mechanical car product should seek the help of a South Florida auto accident attorney. An experienced auto accident attorney will be able to help recover compensation from the manufacturer for damages.

Some of the common causes and claims from a car accident that is the result of a defective product include:

  • Faulty brakes
  • Accelerators
  • Cruise controls
  • Tires
  • Transmission
  • Steering and suspension systems
  • Exhaust, fuel and lubrication systems
  • Body and frame
  • Accessory features

There are certain defects that are more likely to cause a car accident. For example a sudden acceleration caused by a sticky gas pedal or shifting problem can create a dangerous situation for the driver causing the car to go out of control. If a car is involved in a sudden acceleration case that resulted from a defective product, a personal injury attorney specializing in defective products should be able to prove the liability of the manufacturer.

Brake failure is another example of a dangerous situation that can cause serious injuries or death not only to those inside the vehicle, but also to pedestrians and other cars and drivers that may be involved in the crash. If the accident was a result of a defective product, the manufacturer may be held responsible and liable for compensation if a claim is filed.

An experienced South Florida defective product accident attorney is knowledgeable of the Florida product liability law. This law can hold manufacturers, distributors, designers, suppliers and sellers liable, for damages for defective products.

If you were a victim of a defective product car accident in South Florida, you may be entitled to financial compensation for injuries, lost wages and much more. Call the Law Offices of David Benenfeld to speak to a knowledgeable South Florida auto accident attorney today at 954-677-0155.

You can also order our FREE book, Secrets Exposed: 7 Deadly Mistakes That Can Destroy Your Auto Accident Case.

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