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Examples Of Florida Wrongful Death Cases

Ereck Plancher-Florida Wrongful Death Lawsuit
Plancher collapsed on the UCF football practice in 2008. His family and attorneys brought wrongful death charges against the school’s athletic association because the victim was never notified that he had twice tested positive for sickle cell trait that caused his death.  The Planchers were awarded $10 million. You may have noticed the Plancher lawsuit made Daytona Beach headlines again this month, when the appeals court overturned immunity and attorney fee reversal of UCF’s Athletic Association.

Michael Camberdella-Florida Wrongful Death Lawsuit

On August 1, 2013, teenager Michael was gunned down by Deputy William Goldstein after firing 11 shots. While the victim was 18-years-old, his mother said he had the mind of a 5-year-old, and suffered from Autism. Camberdella was unarmed, unless you count the rocks he was throwing from his pocket. The family is seeking wrongful death charges against the Sherriff’s office. They claim that the officer’s force was nothing close to necessary, insisting he could and should have tried alternate forms of reasoning with the troubled teen that was obviously in a state of mental confusion.

Army Sgt. James Jones IV-Florida Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Jones was an intelligence officer that allegedly died from a flesh eating bacteria that he contracted during his stay at Tampa General Hospital. The officer’s widow filed a wrongful death claim against TGH on August 7, 2013, based on grounds that the hospital placed the IV through the skin, rather than the vein, which in turn resulted in necrotizing fasciitus. Jones reportedly died during removal of the dead skin. Family is claiming that the hospital caused the officer’s death, and they are seeking wrongful death charges and compensation.

Contact the Law Offices of David Benenfeld to speak with a skilled South Florida wrongful death lawyer in a free legal consultation to determine if you have a case. Call 954-677-0155.

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