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Fort Lauderdale Workers' Compensation Lawyer > Blog > Uncategorized > Florida Slip and Fall Accidents Are Common Causes Of Foot And Ankle Injuries

Florida Slip and Fall Accidents Are Common Causes Of Foot And Ankle Injuries

Someone can be walking along just fine and suddenly fall down in an instant. When slippery surfaces, uneven surfaces, or hazardous objects cause people to slip and fall, people often sustain serious injuries. While many slip and fall victims suffer from serious head, neck and back injuries, some of the most common yet serious injuries occur to the lower leg, including:

  • Strains and sprains
  • Ankle fractures
  • Broken feet
  • Calf injuries
  • ACL tears, torn meniscus or other knee injuries
  • Femur fractures
  • Thigh injuries
  • Hip fractures or hip dislocations

Foot and ankle injuries are some of the most common types of injuries victims of slip and fall accidents suffer. While many people assume that foot and ankle injuries aren’t serious types of injuries because they are typically treatable injuries, injuries of this nature can still be serious to the people who are affected.

When injuries to the lower leg occur, a person might not be able to put any weight on his or her leg, walk, drive, work, or even care for oneself for some time. Sometimes foot and ankle fractures, ACL tears and other knee injuries may require surgery, rest, physical therapy, and rehabilitation before victims may use their legs like they did before the Florida slip and fall accident.

Any type of lower extremity injury can be painful and result in inconveniences and expenses. When a person needs surgery, time off of work, and help (e.g., hiring a nanny, gardener, housekeeper, or assistant), the amount of money he or she may be out due to a slip and fall leg injury could be very serious.

If you suffered a leg injury as a result of a hazardous condition or negligence by a property owner, you may be due compensation for your slip and fall injuries and damages. To learn how much you may be due, contact a South Florida premises liability lawyer to discuss your case. You can reach the Law Offices of David Benenfeld at 954-677-0155 for a free consultation today.

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