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Injuries From Falling Merchandise And Florida Premises Liability Laws

There are many stores we shop at that have excess inventory stocked above the merchandise on the aisles we wonder down. These big-box stores or warehouse stores have items stacked from floor to ceiling in open view, which could easily fall on unsuspecting customers. While many stores use nets and other ways of securing items overhead, some stores stack large amounts of merchandise on top of each other and just expect nothing to fall.

Unfortunately, when merchandise is stacked and stored vertically, there is a chance of falling merchandise. While some items might be small, other items that can fall off of shelves can be large in size and heavy—causing serious damage when landing on unsuspecting shoppers. Some of the injuries shoppers have suffered due to falling merchandise include:

  • Broken bones
  • Back and neck injuries
  • Head trauma
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Fatal injuries

Sadly, these injuries are needless and could have been prevented. A commercial establishment has a duty to ensure its premises are safe for customers so that no customer ever has to suffer injuries while shopping. When the store fails to secure its merchandise and make the store safe from premises hazards, the business can be held liable for breaching its duty of care to customers.

Unfortunately, customers can be hurt by falling merchandise as a result of stores not storing merchandise safely or preventing items from falling. This is why store owners should take measures to make sure merchandise doesn’t fall from overhead by:

  • Conducting training on safe storage
  • Using deep and wide shelves
  • Stacking merchandise in the proper way
  • Checking merchandise periodically
  • Using devices to stabilize heavy items

When store owners don’t do their part in preventing merchandise from falling onto customers, they can be liable under Florida premises liability laws for an injured customer’s medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, and other damages.

If the sudden collapse of merchandise from shelves overhead caused your injuries, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your damages. Contact the Law Office of David Benenfeld to speak with a knowledgeable South Florida premises liability attorney who can inform you of your legal rights.  You will receive a free consultation by calling us at 954-677-0155 today.

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