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Broward County Financial Exploitation Of Elderly

Elder abuse in Broward County ranks as one of the most inconceivable atrocities in today’s culture. You may not realize that over half a million elderly persons are abused every year within their own homes, the residence of family members, nursing care facilities, and hospitals.  It’s often said that placing a loved one in a nursing home may feel like the most difficult yet necessary choice in which a family member must make. Unfortunately, loved ones are at an unusually high risk for abuse with a nursing home.

What are examples of SHOCKING acts of elder abuse?

  • Hitting
  • Shoving
  • Confinement
  • Overmedicating
  • Making verbal threats
  • Unnecessary restraints
  • Forcing viewing of pornography
  • Coercing unwanted sexual interaction
  • Neglect such as denial of food and medication
  • Failure to provide required medical attention

What does FINANCIAL elder abuse look like?

  • Stealing $$$ and property from elderly
  • Elderly that appear lonely, isolated, and recently widowed
  • Con artist telemarketing scams and crimes that target the elderly
  • Use of elderly possession and property without permission
  • Forging an elderly’s signature which often leads to exploitation
  • Coercing the elderly to sign over power of attorney, change of deed, or will
  • Strong-arming the elderly to invest in securities that will mature long after death
  • Older parents with unemployed children or dependents with drug addictions

Who is at HIGHEST RISK for elder financial abuse?

  • Elderly home owners who don’t realize the increased value of their property
  • Disabled senior citizens who rely on caregivers for transportation
  • Elderly that depend on others to acquire and administer their medications
  • Senior citizens with predictable incomes such as monthly checks from Social Security, required distributions from investments, etc.
  • Elderly widows who lost a spouse who handled all the money matters
  • Senior citizens who are inexperienced with the use of Internet for banking and other financial dealings

What are SIGNS that an elderly person is victim of financial abuse?

If you notice a pattern or a cluster of some of the indicators listed below, then it is vital to speak with a qualified Broward County Elder Abuse Attorney who specializes in financial exploitation of senior citizens.

  • A new best friend that gives financial advice to the elderly, usually in turn for a favor such as assistance with transportation or meals
  • Bank statements which reveal numerous ATM withdrawals and transfers without the elderly person’s knowledge, awareness, or recollection
  • If someone else has been assigned responsibility for bill payment, but late notices continue to arrive
  • Appearance of legal and financial documents signed by the senior citizen without their understanding of the ramifications
  • Missing valuables, belongings, and jewels
  • Missing financial statements and records

If you suspect a loved one is being targeted for elder financial abuse in a Florida nursing home, it is vital to know the warning signs and be ready to intervene before it’s too late. Broward County nursing home abuse lawyer David Benenfeld is dedicated to helping victims of abuse. For a free legal consultation, call today: 954-677-0155.

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