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Fort Lauderdale Workers' Compensation Lawyer > Blog > Social Security Disability Insurance > Can a Family Member Be Eligible For Social Security Disability Benefits Too?

Can a Family Member Be Eligible For Social Security Disability Benefits Too?

If you are receiving Social Security disability income, your family may also be eligible to receive benefits on your record.  This compensation is known as family benefits.

Are you wondering who qualifies for family benefits? According to Social Security, your spouse, ex-spouse and children may all be eligible to receive family benefits.  Your spouse is considered to be eligible if he or she is 62 years old or older and cannot receive a higher Social Security benefit based on his or her own earnings record.  Your spouse could also be eligible for family benefits if he or she is caring for your child who is under the age of 16 or disabled.

Ex-spouses also can qualify for family benefits, but there are some exceptions.  For example, your ex-spouse must have been married to you for at least 10 years, be at least 62 years old, unmarried and unable to receive a higher benefit based on his or her own earnings record.  Even if you are remarried, your ex-spouse could still be eligible.

Your children can also apply for family benefits on your Social Security record.  The child must be biological, adopted or a stepchild.  Dependent grandchildren can also qualify.  There are some requirements to receive family benefits.  Your child must be unmarried and under the age of 18.  However, if your child is between the age of 18 and 19 and a full time student, he or she may be eligible.  Also, if your child is over the age of 18 and disabled before the age of 22, he or she can receive family benefits.

The monthly family benefit is equal to up to 50 percent of your disability rate with Social Security.  There is a limit of the total amount of benefits that can be paid to family members on your Social Security record.  The limit is anywhere from 150 to 180 percent of your disability benefit.

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