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Category Archives: Bicycle Accidents

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Tips for Staying Safe on National Walk and Bike to School Day

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Keeping kids active today is essential, which is why the National Walk to School Day was held in 1997. Eventually, the National Bike to School Day was added in 2012, and these events have been hosted each year since. Schools across the country are encouraged to participate, motivate students, and even give incentives for… Read More »

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Defective Bicycles Can Put Riders at Risk of Accidents and Injuries

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

When you purchase a bicycle, you probably did so with one thing in mind – riding. It probably never crossed your mind that bicycles can be made poorly or have design defects that could lead to a bicycle accident and serious injuries. Although rare, this has been the case from time to time, and… Read More »

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Sharing the Road with Bicyclists Even in the Winter

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Residents and tourists in South Florida get to enjoy nice weather due to our pleasant climate here. This often causes many people to enjoy the outdoors even during the winter months when most of the rest of the country is trying to stay warm indoors. For example, in many states the weather is just… Read More »

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Wound Infections: Complications of Bicycle Accidents

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

When a car causes a bicyclist to crash, serious injuries can occur. Even if the bicyclist is fortunate to only suffer road rash and wounds, it can still be serious. This is because wounds can get infected and lead to serious health issues. A cyclist can suffer any of the following injuries that can… Read More »

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Scaphoid Fractures: Some of the Most Common Cycling Injuries

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Everyone who has ever rode a bike knows that cycling injuries are inevitable, which is why experienced cyclists know what to do in order to stay as safe as possible on two wheels. However, some injuries cannot be prevented. For example, when a car cuts a cyclist off or a driver opens a door… Read More »

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Signs and Symptoms of PTSD Following a Bicycle Accident

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Any type of traffic collision is traumatizing, especially when one vehicle involved is a small bicycle and the other is a larger and heavier car or truck. This is why many victims of bicycle accidents have suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Unfortunately, most people who suffer from PTSD in a collision aren’t aware… Read More »

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How Bicyclists Can Make Safe Choices To Avoid A Bicycle Accident In Florida

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

It seems like more than ever before people are biking for the major health benefits and because it is good for the environment. Because biking and walking as a way of commuting to work is a national movement, it is important that people are reminded how to bike safely—especially since the percentage of cycling… Read More »

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The Importance Of Wearing A Bicycle Helmet In Florida No Matter How Old You Are

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Although many children don’t want to wear bicycle helmets because they don’t think they look cool, the law requires children under the age of 16 to wear a bicycle helmet in Florida while riding their bikes. As children turn into teenagers and grow into young adults, they often carry their attitudes about bicycle helmets… Read More »

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Reduce Your Child’s Chance Of A Bicycle Accident In South Florida With Bicycle Safety Tips

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Drivers are often in a hurry, distracted, or focused on traffic that they fail to see bicyclists or yield to them. Because children are smaller and more difficult to see, children on bicycles are especially vulnerable and are at an increased risk for being in a bicycle accident. For this reason, children who ride… Read More »

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Be A Role Model To Help Kids Avoid Bicycle Accidents In Florida

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Kids love to ride their bikes; however, the only way children know how to ride their bicycles safely is from watching their parents. This means that parents have a very important job to teach their children how to ride their bicycles safely. It is essential that parents remember it’s not just about what they… Read More »

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