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Is It True That Mountain Bikers Are More Susceptible To Spinal Cord Injuries?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

If you talk to any avid mountain biker, they will quickly relay to you the high value they place on the make and quality of their bike. That’s because mountain bikers understand the rigorous nature of the trail, and their most essential requirement is a reliable bike. Thousands of mountain bikes have been recalled… Read More »

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What Should Someone Know About Florida Bicycle Accidents?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Question: My son rides his bike everywhere.  Of course I have concerns if he was ever in a bicycle accident in South Florida.  Is a bicycle accident treated the same as an auto accident?  How does my insurance come into play? Answer: Under Florida law, a bicycle is defined as a vehicle and therefore… Read More »

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What Should Someone Do If They Were Injured In A “Freak” Bicycle Accident?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Numerous freakish bicycle accidents in Florida occur that may cause severe injury and death. While not that common, these types of accidents are still eligible for compensation. Below is a list of freak bicycle accidents which have recently made headlines. Recent Freak Bicycle Accident Headlines: History professor lost leg when struck by truck hauling… Read More »

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What Damages Can Be Recovered In A Florida Bicycle Accident Case?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Question: What damages can I recovered after a bicycle accident? Answer: Florida law encourages motorists and bicyclists to share the road. Cyclists are considered a vehicle, and have the same rights and the same responsibilities of other drivers. In a bicycle accident resulting in serious injury or death, the following compensatory damages may be… Read More »

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I’ve Heard Of Cars Showing Road Rage Towards Bicycles. I Recently Heard Of “Bike Rage”. Is It Also True That Bicyclists Show Road Rage To Other Bicyclists? What Causes Bike Rage?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Broward County bike rage is a sad but true phenomenon. When cyclists show rage towards pedestrians, cyclists, drivers, or vehicles, this is considered an act of aggression now referred to as “bike rage”. Bike rage includes hostile behaviors such as hitting or smacking the vehicle, bike, or person, making verbal threats, shouting, obscene gestures,… Read More »

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Can I Work With The Insurance Company On My Own To Negotiate My Bicycle Injury Claim?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Yes. You can always attempt to handle your bicycle injury claim in Florida on your own; however, it is important to know that if you are seriously injured, it may be in your best interest to work with an attorney. The reason for this is that attorneys experienced in traffic accidents know the damages… Read More »

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How Much Is My Bike Accident Spinal Cord Injury Claim Worth?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

In many cases, a bicycle accident that leads to a spinal cord injury is often due to the negligence of a driver. If this is the situation that you find yourself in, your case may be worth hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars. The specific details and the severity of your injury or… Read More »

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My 17-Year-Old Won’t Wear A Bicycle Helmet Anymore Because The Law Doesn’t Require Him To. What Can I Say To Change His Mind?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Children and teenagers have a weird perception of bicycle helmets. Unfortunately, many of them think that bicycle helmets are for nerds and they don’t look cool in them. For this reason, many teenagers opt to not wear them as soon as they can get away with it. Because we know the consequences of not… Read More »

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What Are The Florida Bicycle Helmet Laws?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A: Since there is a lack of a national bicycle helmet law, each state has different helmet laws that apply to bicyclists. Florida was one of the leading states in bicycle helmet awareness and requires children under age 16 to wear bicycle helmets while riding a bike. According to the Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute,… Read More »

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It’s Unclear Who Is To Blame For The Biker-SUV Brawl That Occurred Last Week In NYC. Since 4 Bikers Have Been Arrested, And 3 Officers Are Found To Be Part Of The Biker Group, Where Does Legal Responsibility For The Accident Fall?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

On September 29, 2013, Lien hopped in his SUV with his wife and 2-year-old to celebrate their anniversary. He attests that a group of motorcycles surrounded his vehicle, intentionally slowing his speed, bumped into him with the biker rear tire, finally causing him to run over one of the bikers, which broke his spine… Read More »

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