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What To Do After A Broward County Bicycle Accident

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Question: While riding my bike in Broward County, I was hit by a car and injured pretty badly.  What things should a person do after a Broward County bicycle accident? Answer: The first thing that you need to do after a Broward County bicycle accident is to immediately seek medical attention. Even if it… Read More »

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What Is The Typical Length Of Time It Takes To Achieve A Successful Outcome For A Personal Injury Case?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A: It depends. A Florida personal injury case for one person is not going to be the same for another person. There are so many variables involved in the different cases, such as extent of injuries, disabilities, and if a doctor has released you from care. If someone has been severely injured in a… Read More »

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What Is The Law In Florida Concerning Elderly Drivers And Driver’s License Renewal Requirements?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A: Currently, the state of Florida requires drivers aged 80 and above to renew their drivers’ licenses every six years, along with a vision test.  In other words, once a driver turns 80, he or she must pass an eye exam in order to renew an existing license.  These drivers must then go through… Read More »

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What Is The Current Law In Florida Concerning Cell Phone Use While Driving?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A: Currently (as of December 2009), Florida law does not prohibit the use of cell phones while driving, although one city in Broward County prohibits text messaging while driving. Next year, however, the Florida Senate will be asked to ban the use of all hand-held cell phones for drivers on the roadway. With more… Read More »

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What Are The Florida Traffic Laws Regarding Drivers Of Motor Vehicles In Relation To Pedestrians?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A: Although this list is not comprehensive, some of the Florida traffic laws applying to drivers of motor vehicles in relation to pedestrians  are the following (adapted from the Florida Department of Transportation website): Yield to pedestrians in an “unsignalized crosswalk”: drivers approaching any crosswalk (marked or unmarked) indicated by a sign must stop and… Read More »

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What Are The Florida Traffic Laws Regarding Drivers Of Motor Vehicles In Relation To Bicyclists?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A: Although this list is not comprehensive, some of the Florida traffic laws applying to drivers of motor vehicles in relation to bicyclists are the following (adapted from the Florida Department of Transportation website): Avoid driving on a path or sidewalk: with the exception of permanent driveways (or authorized temporary driveways), shared-use paths and sidewalks… Read More »

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Who Can Help Me Install My Child Safety Seat Correctly?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A: Installing a child safety seat can be confusing with the use of a harness, tether, seat belt or LATCH system, it’s no wonder why NHTSA reports that three out of four parents do not install their child restraints correctly. The manufacturer’s instructions should clearly label the correct weight and size a child should… Read More »

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I Live In Florida And Have Been Taking Fosamax For The Past 7 Years For Osteoporosis. After A Minor Fall, I Broke My Leg. Would I Be Eligible For A Claim?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A: Recent studies have shown that Florida Fosamax users who are on bisphosphonates, such as Fosamax, have been shown to have a higher percentage of subtrochanteric and diaphyseal fractures after a long term use of the drug. There are many side effects from Fosamax use such as: femur fractures, osteonecrosis of the jaw, esophageal… Read More »

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I Have Taken Over The Counter Pain Relievers For Years. My Broward County M.D. Just Told Me I May Be At Risk For Liver Disease, Or Cirrhosis. I’m Not Even A Drinker, Is That Possible?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

True, most of us associate Cirrhosis with heavy drinkers, but that’s not always the case. In fact, research has proven that overuse of acetaminophen is a major contributor of Cirrhosis, a type of chronic liver disease. Since these ingredients are common to many over the counter meds, people may be unaware of the amount… Read More »

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I Had A Close Call Today With A Motorcycle. How Can I And Other Drivers Keep Motorcyclists Free From Injuries?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

We are glad to hear that an accident did not occur, and are happy to give you some safety tips to follow out on the roads in order to keep you accident free and reduce the potential for Florida motorcycle accidents and injuries to occur. Motorcyclists are more susceptible to South Florida accidents and… Read More »

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