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What Are Some Signs Of Child Abuse To Watch Out For?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A: Child abuse in Florida is not just sexual abuse and does not always occur at home. It can also be physical abuse as well as emotional and verbal abuse. If your child attends organizations such as clubs, daycare, school etc., you should be on the lookout for signs of physical abuse, which could… Read More »

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Should I Hire An Attorney If My Child Suffered Brain Damage In My Neighbors Pool?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A: During warm sunshine days, many children want to swim. Sadly, children are often not supervised by adults.  If your child was injured in a pool on someone else’s property, even at your neighbor’s house, you may be entitled to file a Florida premises liability claim to recover damages if he or she is… Read More »

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What Questions Should I Ask A Lawyer I’m Considering Hiring For My Personal Injury Case?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

It can be overwhelming to try and choose a lawyer for your case. In order to know if you are choosing the right Fort Lauderdale attorney to handle your claim, you should ask each lawyer you meet with a series of questions. By asking questions, you will learn more about the lawyer and be… Read More »

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My Wife, Who Is Turning 60, Was Recently Diagnosed By Our Broward County Doctor With Epilepsy. This Thing Is Turning Our Lives Upside Down! Last Week She Had An Attack While We Were In The Grocery Store. I’m Starting To Think Maybe She Should Not Be Working, Or Driving. It’s Not Safe. Are There Any Warning Signals That Might Help Us Anticipate The Seizure Before It Happens?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

You are right to be concerned. Epilepsy is a seizure disorder that involves a bit of an electrical storm within the brain. As a loved one, it’s important that you encourage your wife to take ALL of her prescribed medications in a timely matter. You can also help by documenting each episode and share… Read More »

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My Best Friend Is Pregnant. I Want To Loan Her The Crib I Used For My Kids. It’s Still In Good Condition, But How Do I Know If It’s Safe Enough?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Sentimentally, loaning your crib is a nice idea. Practically, it sounds great in this day’s economy. From the looks outside, your crib may even look like it’s still brand new. Aside from all of that, be certain that the crib is 100% safe. Millions of cribs have been recalled within the last decade, and… Read More »

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I Was Hurt Badly In A Trench Collapse And Am Not Sure Who Was At Fault Since Everyone Is Passing Blame On Another. Who Is Liable For My Injuries?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A: Sometimes these situations can get confusing and messy. There are many companies, subcontractors and construction workers involved in a project like this. Typically, the liability rests with the construction company who bid the project. However, there are many variables to each Florida construction accident and injury. Construction employers may indicate that they provided… Read More »

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Is It Legal To Text While Driving In The State Of Florida?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A: As of July 31, 2009, texting while driving is legal in the state of Florida, but statistics from recent studies prove that the act is not only dangerous, but potentially fatal. Far too many drivers and passengers have been killed as a result of auto accidents caused by text messaging behind the wheel,… Read More »

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What Was The First City In Broward County To Ban Texting While Driving?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A: Parkland, Florida, is the first city (and currently the only city) in Broward County to ban texting while driving. City commissioners approved the ban in a unanimous vote in September 2009 and took a final vote on October 7, 2009.  Under the ban, violators who text message while driving could be fined up to… Read More »

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Effective October 1, 2009, What Are The New Florida Traffic Laws Concerning Red Light Running, Failing To Stop For School Buses, Reckless Driving, And Highway Racing?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A: Effective October 1, 2009, first-time offenders of red light running, failing to stop for a school bus, reckless driving, or racing on Florida highways will be required to take a state-approved “driver improvement course.” Under current law, the course is not required until the second offense of red light running in one year…. Read More »

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What’s The New Florida Seat Belt Law? What Does “Click It Or Ticket” Mean?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A: Florida’s new seat belt law went into effect June 30, 2009, and allows officers to stop and ticket unbuckled drivers. The term “click it or ticket” refers to the fact that failing to wear a seat belt is now a primary offense, meaning that it can be the sole reason a driver is… Read More »

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