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When Traveling In A Group Of Motorcycles For Short Or Long Rides, What Are The Best Ways To Avoid Getting In An Accident?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Most motorcyclists who belong to a motorcycle club or a riding club usually have highly defined rules and regulations which help prevent accidents from occurring. However, not all motorcycle accidents are preventable, since research has determined that most are caused by drivers of passenger vehicles.  And, not everyone who travels in a group belongs… Read More »

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What If I’m Riding My Motorcycle And I Have To Brake Right Away? Is That When I Should “Lay It Down”?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

“Laying it down” is a biker term that refers to stopping the bike by laying it on its side instead of applying brakes. Few Florida motorcyclists resort to stopping their bike this way, believing that it is a quicker way to brake, in the case of an emergency. When the bike is laid down,… Read More »

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What Happens When Alcohol Plays A Part In A FL Motorcycle Accident?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

We’re used to blaming the motorcyclist, but in actuality, more than half of Florida motorcycle accidents are caused by the driver of the automobile. Numerous motorcycle fatalities are caused by other drivers who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.  Substance abuse, or DUI, is the second leading predictor of FL motorcycle accidents…. Read More »

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Can I Be Compensated For Injuries That Don’t Allow Me To Work The Same Type Of Job Again?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

If someone is unable to do the same kind of work after the accident that they did before, the attorney will document that, along with the assistance of doctors, medical records, and possibly vocational and economic experts to demonstrate the impact of the new job on their wages over their lifetime. Everything will be… Read More »

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What is the First Step To Take After A Motorcycle Accident?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

After the motorcycle accident, the first thing to do would be to seek medical treatment immediately, and then they should find an attorney to represent them and help them navigate the system. They should document all of the damages sustained, to both them and their motorcycle, through photographs of everything, including the accident scene,… Read More »

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What Are The Worst Kind Of Motorcycle Injuries?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

The worst types of motorcycle injuries are the same as for any other type of accident; the worst, obviously, is death, but right behind that is catastrophic injury, which is an injury in which someone was paralyzed or badly hurt in a way that will affect them for the rest of their life, or… Read More »

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Would It Make A Difference To The Case Whether Or Not The Person Wore A Helmet?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Wearing a helmet is obviously a very smart thing to do while riding a motorcycle; someone not wearing one could hurt a lot more and possible even die without one when they have an accident. If someone is riding a motorcycle, they should use every means necessary to protect themselves, just as they would… Read More »

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Would The Courts Hate Someone Because They Are A Motorcyclist?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

People are entitled to drive, ride or do whatever they want in the State of Florida as long as they were of legal age and as long as they had a proper Florida driver’s license; if someone is hurt in an accident, then people look at the person’s injuries, the facts surrounding the accident… Read More »

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Are Insurance Companies On The Victim’s Side?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Insurance companies are in business to make a profit, and they are not out to pay top dollar for the victim’s injuries, so they are never on the victim’s side. It’s their business to settle the claim for as little as possible to maximize profits and to make sure their shareholders and corporate executives… Read More »

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How Long Is It Too Long To See The Doctor After A Motorcycle Accident?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Everyone should seek medical care from a hospital or a doctor of their choice immediately after a motorcycle accident, because the injuries are almost always much worse than for car accidents. They should find out exactly what their injuries are and begin documenting them as soon as possible, so attorney can use that information… Read More »

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