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My Son Died While Sleeping, And I Think The Crib Could Have Been Defective. Can I Hold The Manufacturer Responsible For My Son’s Death?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

We are so saddened to hear of your devastating loss. Typically, the manufacturer of the product would be responsible. However, because a case of this nature is very serious, it is critical that a lawyer is retained to investigate the incident, gather evidence, and create a case to challenge the manufacturer. Unfortunately, Florida wrongful… Read More »

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How Do I Know If My Relative’s House Fire And Death Was Caused By A Defective Product?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

We are saddened to hear of your loss and wish you the best during this difficult time. When a home catches on fire, it can be for many different reasons. Sometimes, people leave candles lit or overload an extension cord, causing a fire. However, many house fires are often the result of defective products… Read More »

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How Do I Know If I Can Collect Damages From A Wrongful Death Accident In Florida? I Lost My Father In An Accident And Heard That I May Be Eligible To File A Wrongful Death Claim. I Am 24-Years-Old.

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Having worked with many individuals as a South Florida wrongful death attorney, I know the anguish families face losing a loved one.  This is especially true if the cause of death was the fault of a negligent party.  A wrongful death can leave you with many different expenses as well the heartache of your… Read More »

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I Lost My Husband In A Car Accident Caused By A Drunk Driver. I Relied On His Income And Am Trying To Find Out What Compensation Is Available?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A: We are very saddened to hear of your loss.  Losing anyone close to you, especially a spouse, can cause immense devastation, pain and suffering that no one should have to be put through. Since driving drunk is a choice that a negligent driver made, you may be entitled to pursue a wrongful death… Read More »

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If Yaz Has Been Found To Produce Serious Side Effects Why Is It Still On The Market?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

To date, Bayer, which is Yaz’s manufacturer, has made over 70 individual settlements to women who have suffered serious side effects from their oral contraceptive. Each case is examined separately based on the grounds of the pill causing pulmonary embolism (blood clots in the legs). Attorneys are finding more success in filing cases individually,… Read More »

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I Am An Adult Who Lost My Parent In A Wrongful Death Accident In Florida. I Heard That I Cannot Collect Damages Because Of My Age, Is This Right?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A: I am saddened to hear of your parent’s passing. As a South Florida wrongful death attorney, I am aware that an untimely and unnecessary death can cause you devastation that could have been preventable. Additionally, a wrongful death can leave you with many expenses. Florida’s discriminatory Wrongful Death Act does outline the restrictions… Read More »

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How Do I Know If I Have A Florida Wrongful Death Claim?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Question: What categorizes a Florida wrongful death claim? Answer: A wrongful death lawsuit can be filed against a party that was the cause of the death through negligence.  The lawsuit can be brought by family members of the deceased such as a spouse, child or other family member who depended upon financial or emotional… Read More »

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After The House Fire That Left My Husband With Burns And Smoke Inhalation Injuries, He Underwent Multiple Surgeries Before Passing Weeks Later. Because His Death Wasn’t Immediate Following The Fire, Can I Still Pursue A Wrongful Death Claim Against The Manufacturer Of The Space Heater?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

You should be able to, especially if the cause of his injuries and death was caused by a defective space heater. Just because he didn’t pass away until weeks later doesn’t let the manufacturing company off the hook. If the space heater was determined to be defective, or if it malfunctioned in any way,… Read More »

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I Heard About A Child Dying After Choking On A Product. Is There Anything That Parents Can Do To Prevent Fatal Choking Injury?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Yes and no. Parents should always read warning hazard stickers to determine if a child should or shouldn’t be allowed to play with a toy or item. However, sometimes manufacturers of toys and other children’s products don’t test their products thoroughly and bring their products to the market without the correct warning stickers. When… Read More »

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After I Fell At The Supermarket, I Noticed There Was A Video Camera Pointed In The Direction Of My Fall. What’s The Best Way To Get A Hold Of It?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Many businesses like grocery stores and retail stores use video cameras as a safety measure; however, sometimes their video cameras can be used against them to prove liability in South Florida slip and fall accidents. Because store owners and managers know that video footage can be used to prove negligence in a slip and… Read More »

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