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What Is My Family’s Wrongful Death Rights After Losing Our Father In A Crash Caused By A Drunk Driver?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

We are saddened to hear that your dad died by a drunk driver and extend our deepest condolences to you and your family during this tragic time. When the death of a loved one is sudden and premature, it can be hard to accept and difficult to understand.  Sadly, you can’t do much to… Read More »

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Does My Family Have A Defective Products Claim Or A Wrongful Death Claim When A Wheelchair Caught On Fire And Claimed My Son?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

We extend our deepest sympathy to you and your family and are sorry for your loss. We understand you want to hold the company liable for your losses and damages, and we also understand that it can be a confusing and overwhelming time trying to learn about your rights and remedies. If a wheelchair… Read More »

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What Is The Stand Your Ground Law?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

The uproar over the past 18 months over George Zimmerman’s fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin has prompted a need for greater understanding of the “Stand Your Ground” defense.  While that defense wasn’t officially used in the trial, legal experts claim the Stand Your Ground (aka “Shoot First” law), which played a major role in… Read More »

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What Are The Time Limits I Have To File A Wrongful Death Claim In Florida?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

If you have lost your loved one and believe you have a wrongful death claim against a nursing home, legal action may be necessary to recover for your losses and the suffering your loved one went through. When pursuing a wrongful death claim in Florida, it’s good to be aware of the time limits… Read More »

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I Know Many People Who Are Outraged By The Acquittal Of George Zimmerman On Grounds Of Racial Discrimination. How Much Does Race Play A Part In Wrongful Death Lawsuits And Outcomes?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

You seem to be asking if all victims are treated fairly, without regard to race. In the case of Trayvon Martin who was African-American, countless protesters are having their say when it comes to speaking out against the racial undertones of this highly controversial case. Thousands still speculate that Martin’s death occurred due to… Read More »

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When is death from a car accident considered “wrongful”?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Sometimes people die in collisions due to an unavoidable accident; however, other car crashes are no accident at all. In fact, careless, negligent and reckless drivers get behind the wheel every day — putting innocent people’s lives in danger. When a driver is driving recklessly, intoxicated, impaired by drugs, fatigued, or distracted, the death… Read More »

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What Type Of Financial Recovery Can I Expect To Receive Following The Death Of My Wife After A Drunk Driver Hit And Killed Her While She Was Riding Her Bike?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

When someone’s negligence or wrongful actions causes the death of another, the victim’s family can pursue a wrongful death lawsuit in Florida. There are two types of damages that families of victims can collect including economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages include compensation for hospital bills, medical treatment, and other medical expenses related to… Read More »

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How Do I Know If I Have A Wrongful Death Case Against A Pharmacy For My Husband’s Death?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Pharmacists have a duty of care to provide the correct medications to their customers. When they fail to do this, they can be held liable for the consequences of their actions. If the pharmacy technician or pharmacist dispensed the wrong medications, labeled the prescription incorrectly, provided the wrong instructions, or filled the wrong dosage… Read More »

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Who Can Bring A Wrongful Death Suit In The State Of Florida?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A wrongful death occurs when a person dies as a result of another individual’s negligence. Under the jurisdiction of many states, the wrongful death suit benefits the deceased individual’s children, parents, or spouse. However, under the Florida Wrongful Death Act, these surviving family members are not automatically beneficiaries of the claim. Any given case… Read More »

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What Recovery Is Available In A Wrongful Death Case?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A: When your loved one suffers due to someone else’s negligence, it may be considered wrongful death.In the case of medical malpractice, when a doctor’s mistakes leads to a patient’s death, a wrongful death case should be pursued. A spouse of a victim, the victim’s children, and the estate can recover damages and losses…. Read More »

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