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Why are roadway construction workers and law enforcement personnel killed while on the side of the road?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Law enforcement personnel, first responders, and roadway workers often work around fast-paced cars and trucks as part of their job duties. While they stay safe the majority of the time, from time to time drivers of cars and trucks veer onto the shoulder of the road. As a result, innocent men and women are… Read More »

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There was a gap in a median that allowed a car from the opposite direction to hit and kill my wife. Do I have a case against the Florida Department of Transportation?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

We are saddened to hear of your loss, and welcome the opportunity to talk with you more about your case in greater detail. Without having all the facts, it is difficult to determine if you have a solid wrongful death case in Florida; however, it does sound possible. Your case will depend on various… Read More »

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Is It True That Florida Is Reported To Be 2nd Ranked State For Number Of Car Heat Stroke Deaths?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Yes, a child safety organization named, rated Florida as the second highest number of vehicular stroke deaths. With Texas ranking first with 63 within the last ten years, FL does come in second with 60 car deaths related to the scorching heat. Sadly, since 2003, the organization reports that over 240 American children… Read More »

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My Husband Was Killed In A Miami-Dade County Wrongful Death Accident. I Am Devastated And Scared Because He Was The Sole Financial Provider For Our Family. How Do I Know If I Need An Attorney, Or Will The Insurance Companies Pay For This?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Anytime a sudden death occurs, the surviving family members are so shaken up that it is difficult to know what needs to be done first. In almost every wrongful death in Miami-Dade County or anywhere for that matter, an experienced wrongful death attorney should be consulted.  There are many twists and turns in a… Read More »

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Are Car Accidents Still The Leading Cause Of Death In America?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

The Department of Transportation just released findings revealing that for the first time since 1981, motor vehicle traffic crashes are not among the top 10 causes of death in the United States. Researchers are considering the fact that child car safety laws have prevented a good percentage of car-related fatalities. However, the same study… Read More »

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Is It True That Florida A&M University Is Blaming The Drum Major Hazing Victim For His Own Wrongful Death?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Question: Is it true that Florida A&M University is blaming the drum major hazing victim for his own wrongful death? Answer: After being beaten to death by his marching band colleagues, recent court documents reveal that A&M have appointed blame to Robert Champion for his own wrongful death. According to the university, members of… Read More »

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NEWS: U.S. Government May Have Prevented Meningitis Deaths

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Question: Could the government have prevented the Fungal Meningitis outbreak? Answer: Over 31 deaths have resulted from an atrocious error made by one family owned pharmacy. The New England Compounding Center in Framingham, Massachusetts is responsible for contaminating the steroid shots given to 14,000 innocent individuals, also causing over 400 of them to be… Read More »

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Can A Person Collect From A South Florida Wrongful Death Of A Pedestrian Accident?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Question: My mother was hit by a car while crossing the street.  She incurred multiple injuries and later died.  What recourse do we have to pursue a claim against the driver? Answer: Being struck by a car or truck is devastating.  In most cases, traffic accidents involving pedestrians tend to have catastrophic results as… Read More »

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I Lost My Wife In A Car Accident Due To Defective Tires. I Am At A Loss Since I Relied On Her To Take Care Of Our Kids. The Tire Company Doesn’t Want To Pay Me Much. I Can’t Work And Take Care Of Our Children. What Can I Do?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

We are truly saddened for your loss and wish you strength to get through this very difficult time in your life. It is always hard to lose someone you love, especially a spouse. If the tires were deemed defective, you should have a product defect case against the tire manufacture for their defective product…. Read More »

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Who Can Sue For Wrongful Death?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A: The representative allowed to bring a wrongful death suit is defined by the state. In some states, it may be only a spouse and children. In other states, grandparents or other relatives may also be allowed to bring a lawsuit. Some states have enacted restrictions on filing when one family member would be… Read More »

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