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Are Children At Higher Risk For Suffering Bicycle Accident Injuries In The Summer?

Yes. Especially with summer coming up, children are more susceptible to being in Florida bicycle accidents. This is because kids typically play outside more during the summer, they are smaller in size—making it harder for drivers to see them—and they aren’t aware of the dangers drivers present to them.

Even on quiet residential streets, children are at risk for being hit while riding their bicycles. This is because of the following things:

  • Drivers speed through neighborhoods
  • Drivers peel around the corner not expecting a child playing in the roadway
  • Drivers fail to look when backing out of their driveways
  • Drivers are texting and driving

Unfortunately, bicyclists—no matter the age—face higher risks of serious crash injuries than occupants of motor vehicles, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And more bicycle accidents occur during the months of May through September.

Because of this information, parents need to speak with their children about bicycle safety and remind them of road rules this summer, and drivers need to be conscious of the fact that more children will be outside riding bikes during the summertime. Keeping this in mind, drivers need to slow down—especially in residential neighborhoods—be more alert, and constantly look out for children.

If your son or daughter was hit by a driver and suffered a bicycle accident injury in Florida, you may have legal rights to pursue a financial recovery. To find out more about your rights, contact the Law Offices of David Benenfeld to speak with an experienced lawyer in a free consultation at 954-677-0155 today.

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