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Can I Collect Money From A Fatal Accident Due To A Drunk Driver In Florida?

Question: My wife was killed in an automobile crash by a drunk driver.  She did not have a job.  Can I bring a wrongful death lawsuit in Florida against the drunk driver?

Answer: Absolutely!  Florida wrongful death laws recognize that when someone dies as a result of someone else’s negligence or misconduct, the family of the victim is affected. Wrongful death laws in Florida protect the victim’s family members by holding the negligent person responsible and providing compensation for the victim’s survivors.

If your wife was not employed at the time of her death, she may have contributed in a number of ways. For example, if she was a stay-at-home mom, she provided love, guidance and nurture to the family as well as many other contributions. These contributions are considered in a wrongful death claim as well as the survivor’s pain and suffering as a result of the death.

It is important to contact an experienced South Florida wrongful death attorney who can help you with your claim.  A wrongful death lawyer in South Florida knows what paperwork and evidence that must be supplied when filing a wrongful death claim.

Also, please request a FREE copy of my book, Secrets Exposed: 7 Deadly Mistakes That Can Destroy Your Auto Accident Case that will show you how to best handle this accident situation.

Contact the Law Offices of David Benenfeld for a FREE consultation to determine if you have a legal case and to find out your options. Call: 954-677-0155.

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