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I Was Hurt Badly In A Trench Collapse And Am Not Sure Who Was At Fault Since Everyone Is Passing Blame On Another. Who Is Liable For My Injuries?

A: Sometimes these situations can get confusing and messy. There are many companies, subcontractors and construction workers involved in a project like this. Typically, the liability rests with the construction company who bid the project. However, there are many variables to each Florida construction accident and injury.

Construction employers may indicate that they provided safety provisions and that construction workers need to take steps to ensure their own safety. Although, they may try and escape liability for your injuries, they still may be responsible.

In order to determine who is liable in your workplace accident, we would need to discuss all the details of your case with you to determine if safety measures were in place, workers were trained on trench safety, barricades were placed around the excavation trench, and certain protective systems were used.

If your employer failed to take the necessary safety steps to ensure your safety, your employer may be held liable for your Florida trench collapse injuries. Call the Law Offices of David Benenfeld to speak with a knowledgeable Fort Lauderdale work accident attorney today in a free consultation at 954-677-0155.

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