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My Little Brother Is In His 40’s But He’s Never Really Grown Up. He Has A Family Of His Own And Can’t Keep A Job. Now He Tells Me His Doctor Says He Has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Is He Eligible For Social Security Disability Benefits?

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a medical neurological disorder. Since there isn’t a blood test to verify the clinical symptoms, skeptics tend to be critical of the diagnosis. If your brother is being treated for ADHD, he will soon discover if taking the medication and receiving therapy will help to bring order to his life, and employment.

ADHD does not disappear with age. Adults continue to carry much of the same frustration and defeat that they did as kids. In fact, Social Security disability benefits may be awarded to individuals who have ADHD and are unable to perform their work duties.

Take the below quiz to help you understand ADHD and your brother.

ADHD: True or False?

  1. People with ADHD are lazy. False!
  2. People with ADHD usually work hard, but are easily distracted. True!!
  3. People with ADHD are hyper. False!
  4. Sometimes people with ADHD are hyper, but not always. True!!
  5. People with ADHD aren’t too smart. False!
  6. Albert Einstein, Beethoven, and Steven Spielberg have ADHD. True!!
  7. ADHD is caused by poor parenting. False!
  8. Brain research shows that ADHD is highly genetic. True!!
  9. ADHD is caused by watching too much TV and eating too much sugar. False!
  10. Diet and exercise may help alleviate symptoms. True!!

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with ADHD in Broward County, then you may be eligible to receive Social Security benefits.

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