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My Husband Died From Internal Bleeding Due To The Type Of Medication He Was Taking. Can I Sue For Wrongful Death?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

We are deeply saddened for your loss. Most likely you can file a wrongful death lawsuit, but it may depend. The circumstances that surrounded your husband’s death will influence the course of action or legal avenue that you can take. There may be many different parties that could be held liable that include: Pharmaceutical… Read More »

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Qualifying For Social Security Disability With Psychological Problems?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Question: One of my employees is having severe emotional problems that are interfering with his ability to do his job and get along with others. He told me he doesn’t think he can keep his job, based on his severe depression. Can people with psychological problems really qualify for Social Security disability benefits? Answer:… Read More »

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When My Sister Was Diagnosed With Schizophrenia Years Ago, She Came To Live With Us. Her Symptoms Are Worsening, And She Can No Longer Keep A Job. My Husband Says We Can No Longer Afford To Pay For All Of Her Expenses. Do You Know If I Can Help Her Apply For Any Sort Of Social Security Benefits?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Caring for a loved one who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia can be extremely taxing, both emotionally and financially. Even a high functioning schizophrenic person typically experiences bouts of hearing voices, thinking that everyone is out to get them, and a complete inability to behave appropriately in social and work environments. Qualifying for Social… Read More »

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When Does Anxiety Become Considered A Medical Disorder? My Husband Has Been A Worrier His Whole Life. Since His Recent Heart Attack On The Job Many Years Ago, He’s Been Having “Panic Attacks”. It’s Gotten So Extreme, I’m Wondering If He Might Have An Actual Anxiety Disorder.

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Anxiety Disorder differs from normal bouts with worry and nervousness. It may spring up with no apparent cause and may not go away that easily. Almost 20% of South Floridian adults have been medically diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder. If your husband is having panic attacks, he should be evaluated for a more specific type… Read More »

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My Husband Was Diagnosed With Chronic Heart Failure In South Florida By His Cardiologist. Is It True He Can Receive Social Security Benefits?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

A: Your husband being diagnosed with Chronic Heart Failure is one thing. Receiving those benefits is another. Here’s what you need to know about eligibility. How Chronic Heart Failure (CHF) Patients in South Florida May Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits: Good News! You do not need to have fluid retention at the time… Read More »

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A Truck Jackknifed In The Road And Caused Me To Crash. What Are The Reasons Why A Truck Would Jackknife?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Trucks can jackknife for many different reasons including failure to maintain brakes. Other reasons may include traveling too fast and braking suddenly or taking a curve too quickly and not applying the brakes properly. It is actually frightening to realize that there are many large commercial trucks operating on Florida roadways, in which the… Read More »

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Are There Any Things I Shouldn’t Do After A Motorcycle Accident?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

Yes. There are several things you do NOT want to do after being involved and injured in a Broward County motorcycle accident. Some of these things include: Do not apologize or admit fault to anyone at the accident scene Do not guess at your speed when talking with the police Do not refuse medical… Read More »

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My Son Was Badly Injured In A Motorcycle Crash Caused By A Red Light Runner. He Suffered A Broken Rib And A Punctured Lung, But The Insurance Company Doesn’t Seem To Be Compensating Him Accordingly. How Much Is His Claim Worth?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

While we know you want to hear an exact dollar amount that your claim is worth, it is important that you realize that every Florida motorcycle accident injury claim is going to be evaluated differently. We would need to look at your son’s medical charts, understand his exact prognosis, and know what his medical… Read More »

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What Types Of Damages Should I Receive After Suffering Broken Ribs In A Motorcycle Accident?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

After suffering broken ribs or any type of physical injury in a Florida motorcycle crash, you should be compensated accordingly. This is why it is important that you make sure you are thoroughly evaluated by a doctor, understand the prognosis of your injuries, and speak with a skilled personal injury lawyer before accepting any… Read More »

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I Suffered Injuries In A Motorcycle Crash When Another Driver Made A Left Turn Into Me. Will My Claim For Damages Automatically Go To Court?

By David M. Benenfeld, P.A. |

No. Not all motorcycle accident claims in Florida go to court. First, your insurance company and the other driver’s company will negotiate for damages. When an insurance company does not offer a fair settlement, then it may be necessary to go to court. It comes as a shock to most people, but most claims… Read More »

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