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Should I Hire An Attorney If My Child Suffered Brain Damage In My Neighbors Pool?

A: During warm sunshine days, many children want to swim. Sadly, children are often not supervised by adults.  If your child was injured in a pool on someone else’s property, even at your neighbor’s house, you may be entitled to file a Florida premises liability claim to recover damages if he or she is found negligent.

Drowning accidents in Florida are the leading cause of death for children under the age of five.  This means that children between the ages of 1 – 4 are at higher risk for accidental drowning. Although your child survived the pool accident, your child still suffered injuries that most likely were preventable.

However, we need to find out if your neighbor was negligent. Was he or she supervising the children swimming?  Was the pool properly maintained? Maybe the children weren’t even swimming and your child fell into the pool because there was no safety pool gate.

People with pools do have a responsibility to protect visitors on their property from harm or from accidental drowning accidents. They are required to take safety measures to make sure innocent victims do not get hurt on their property. If they do not take such measures, they should be held liable for the South Florida drowning accident and injuries your child suffered.

For help collecting damages, you should hire a skilled Fort Lauderdale premises liability lawyer to make sure you are getting the compensation your family deserves to pay for your child’s medical bills, lifelong care and your family’s pain and suffering.

Call the Law Offices of David Benenfeld at 954-677-0155 to schedule a free consultation today and find out more about your rights.

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