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What type of compensation should I expect to receive after suffering permanent vision loss in a motorcycle accident?

We are truly saddened to hear about your motorcycle accident injury. Suffering vision loss — whether partial or full blindness — is a life-altering event. More than likely, you will never again be able to drive, care for yourself, or work since you cannot see. As a result, you may need daily personal care and people to drive you around, cook for you, and do every day sort of things that you used to. Unfortunately, all of these things can add up while you are off of work due to your injury.

This is why it is important that you seek legal advice; however, be aware that an attorney shouldn’t give you a specific dollar amount that your case is worth before reviewing your medical records and all of your damages. Determining a case’s value is more extensive than most people realize because everything about your life that is affected as a result of your vision loss should be accounted for.

Because your situation will be different from someone else’s injury claim, it is critical that a lawyer spends adequate time coming up with a dollar amount that your case is worth. To talk with a trusted personal injury lawyer in Fort Lauderdale about your case in more detail, call the Law Offices of David Benenfeld at 866-9 HELP NOW or 866-943-5766 for a free case consultation today.

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