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Who Is Held Liable For Damages Caused By A Truck Accident That Resulted In The Spillage Of Hazardous Materials?

Depending on the accident scenario, multiple factors will determine liability for loss and damages which result from a HAZMAT trucking accident in Broward County. Essentially, any individual who is proven to be responsible for your injuries, whether directly or indirectly, can be held liable for compensation. Most likely, the shipper of the hazardous materials and the truck driver will be held responsible for injuries sustained from the accident. A trucking accident victim will also benefit if the attorney is able to prove the following essentials listed below.

  1. Did you sustain injuries caused by the hazardous materials which were being transported by the truck? In many cases, a trucking accident victim isn’t injured by the collision itself, but from the fire which resulted.
  2. Did the trucking shipper properly inform the driver and trucking company of the hazardous nature of the materials which were being transported? If not, then the shipper may be held responsible for the victim’s injuries. Since the shippers often carry heavier insurance policies than the drivers, the victim may have a better chance of collecting damages from them.

If you were injured in an accident involving spilled hazardous waste, contact our offices to see if you have a case.

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