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Who should be held responsible when a nursing home resident is abused by another resident?

Liability for any abuse that occurs on the grounds of a nursing home facility should be placed with the nursing home. Nursing homes are supposed to have the proper security and protocols to be able to protect their residents. In addition, when nursing homes have enough staff on hand, abusive incidents between residents would quickly be defused. However, when nursing homes are understaffed and lack the proper security, abuse between residents is more likely to occur. As a result, nursing homes should be held accountable for any and all damages suffered by abused residents.

If you or a loved one has been abused in a Florida nursing home by another resident or staff member, you have rights to a legal claim for your damages. For a free consultation about your rights, contact the Law Offices of David Benenfeld at 866-9 HELP NOW or 866-943-5766 and speak with a South Florida nursing home abuse lawyer today.

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