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Why Is The News Reporting A Sharp Increase In Motorcycle Accidents Within Florida?

Several key changes have impacted the hike in serious Broward County motorcycle accidents within the past year, as reported by the Florida Department of Highway Safety.

  • More Riders. Since the no helmet law for riders over age 21 passed ten years ago, motorcycle registrations doubled for those who choose to carry a minimum $10,000 insurance policy.
  • Younger Riders. Rise in cost of living has younger riders hopping on motorcycles, which has proven to be more catastrophic in the long run.
  • Older Riders. Retiring baby boomers are fanning the flame of yesteryear, but not proving to be the safest riders when it comes to reflexes, vision, and hearing impairments.
  • Ignorant Car Drivers. Distraction is a key factor in causing drivers of cars and trucks to be fairly ignorant of the presence of motorcycles. Most drivers report never seeing the bike.
  • Blood Alcohol Level. Motorcycles are sadly easy road kill for drunk drivers. Countless reports flood the courts of motorcycle fatalities caused by a drunk driver who fled the scene because they were completely unaware of the crash.

If you’ve been involved in a motorcycle accident please contact the Law Offices of Attorney David M. Benenfeld. We offer a free case evaluation and will help you get any compensation you are due.

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