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Florida Stroke Victims Eligible For Social Security Benefits

A stroke is more commonly referred to as a “brain attack.” This is because within just minutes, when the blood supply is significantly reduced or cut off, the brain cells begin to die. Typical stroke effects include trouble talking, memory recollection, seeing, walking, numbness, and weak muscles on one side of the body.

Strokes are the #4 cause of death in America, also attributing to double the number of deaths in women than breast cancer. Approximately 70% of stroke victims in South Florida are frequently left with motor and sensory function deficiencies.

Although the symptoms vary in strength and severity, most individuals suffer a great deal of physical and mental loss. For this reason, the Social Security Administration awards disability benefits to people who are dealing with the aftermath of having a stroke.

Types of Strokes

1. Ischemic- 87% of strokes caused when blood clots block an artery, or when plaque and fatty acids build up
2. Hemorrhagic-blood vessel breaks and bleeding leaks in the brain, possibly causing sudden death
3. TIA (mini stroke)-caused by a temporary blood clot, but should be treated seriously

Stroke Risk Factors

  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Arterial fibrillation
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Alcohol use
  • Physical inactivity

Florida Social Security Benefits for Stroke

The Social Security Administration (SSA) classifies stroke disabilities under the category of neurological impairments. The listing below describes the types of benefits given based on the nature of the stroke symptoms.

  • Central Nervous System Vascular Accident

Full disability benefits may be given if an individual has either: a) Inability to speak or write effectively, or b) Inability to control the movement using the legs and arms.

  • Vision Loss

Sometimes a stroke will cause loss of vision in only half of the eye. If the vision does not improve, SSA will give benefits based on their criteria for legal blindness.

  • Medical-Vocational Allowance

If a stroke victim is not able to return to their previous work based on their symptoms, SSA will determine if one is eligible to receive partial disability benefits based on their degree of capacity.

Keep in Mind

Florida stroke victims should wait at least three months before applying for disability benefits. Since symptoms may subside, or even increase, the SSA requires this waiting time so they can accurately determine the degree of disability.

To assist in the accuracy of your Social Security claim for a stroke, it is important to talk with an experienced South Florida Social Security disability attorney. Your attorney can help you prepare your paperwork to get the results you are looking for. Contact the offices of Attorney David M. Benenfeld today to speak with an experienced and knowledgeable attorney today.

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