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Florida Truck Crashes Occur Because Truckers Fail To Do These Things

There are many things that people do while driving that causes Florida truck crashes, such as texting while driving. However, there are many things truck drivers fail to do that can just as easily cause a crash. These things include:

  • Failing to complete a pre-trip inspection. A pre-trip inspection includes looking at tire tread, wiper blades, fluid levels, and to make sure all lights are working.

  • Failing to slow down. Many accidents occur because truck drivers were traveling too fast for road conditions. Truckers need to remember they can easily lose control due to hydroplaning at higher speeds.

  • Failing to get plenty of rest. Many truck drivers don’t follow the Hours-of-Service rules set in place to get the proper rest that is needed before driving. When they don’t have adequate rest, their judgment and reactions are negatively affected.

  • Failing to secure their loads. When truckers don’t take the time to secure their loads before driving, their loads can shift and increase their chances of being in a crash.

  • Failing to know their limits. This is especially the case during winter driving when road conditions aren’t optimal. Many truckers fail to pull over and wait out a storm.When truck drivers fail to prepare for their drives—especially during the winter months—the chance of crashing increases. Safety should always be at the forefront of a trucker’s mind, and truck drivers should always err on the side of caution when taking the wheel.

    If you have been injured in a trucking accident due to a truck driver’s negligence or carelessness, you need to speak with a skilled personal injury lawyer in Florida. Contact the Law Offices of David Benenfeld to learn about your legal rights in a free case consultation at 954-677-0155.

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