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Have A Safe Summer Road Trip With These 3 Safety Tips

ImageWhile on vacation, the last thing you want is something as traumatic as a car accident or breakdown to put a damper on those family memories. These common sense safety reminders can go along way in ensuring safe summer road trips:

  • While it can be fun to be spontaneous and head out without a definite destination in mind, it’s better to be safe and at least do a small amount of planning. As soon as you have even a general idea where you’re headed, get online and check for things like road construction, closures and detours. Make sure at least one family member or close friend is aware of your plans and keep them updated about your trip location.

  • Carefully check your car before hitting the road. Change the oil and make sure the tires are properly inflated, including the spare. Turn on all the lights, signals and the windshield wipers. Inspect all hoses and belts and pack an emergency roadside kit just in case. Include car maintenance items like jumper cables, spare fuses and roadside flares. Throw in a flashlight, a few bottles of water, and a few protein or granola bars as well.

  • Safe summer road trips can be fun for everyone as long as certain rules are followed. Don’t text or talk on your cell phone. Make sure everyone in the car is wearing their seatbelt. Take frequent breaks to start alert. Keep books, games and toys on hand to keep the kids occupied and stash a small cooler so they can have easy access to juice, water and snacks.

Have you been involved in an auto accident and require the assistance of an attorney? Please contact the Law Office of David Benenfeld today for a complimentary consultation.

You may contact us online or by calling 866-943-5766.

Image Source: Wikimedia

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