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Seven Safety Tips to Adhere to While Driving During Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day weekend has been viewed as the end of summer, which is why most people tend to celebrate this holiday outside with friends and family. And often beer and other alcoholic drinks are a staple for those hosting or attending a backyard barbeque or outdoor party. While many people know how to party responsibly and designate drivers, some people fail to be responsible and get behind the wheel buzzed or drunk.

Sadly, an increase in drunk driving accidents tends to occur over Labor Day weekend. In 2013, 424 deadly crashes over Labor Day weekend took place, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). And the National Safety Council (NSC) estimates that about 150 of the over 400 people who will lose their lives in an auto accident over Labor Day weekend will be victims of drunk drivers.

While normal car accidents as well as drunk driving crashes occur every weekend, Labor Day weekend tends to see an increase in fatal crashes as a result of drunk drivers. For this reason, law enforcement is stepping up their efforts to reduce drunk driving fatalities. The 2015 “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign includes high-visibility enforcement, which means police will increase DUI check points and will be out in full force.

Although police can do their part to help reduce drunk driving accidents and fatalities, it is important that you do your part to get you and your family to and from your destinations safely. If you plan on going anywhere this Labor Day weekend, it is important to follow these tips in order to stay as safe as possible:

  1. Never drive buzzed or drunk. Always designate a sober driver ahead of time.

  2. Plan your route out ahead of time so that you aren’t messing with the navigation system or the maps on your cell phone.

  3. Always wear your seatbelt and make sure all passengers in your vehicle have buckled up before stepping on the gas pedal.

  4. Never speed; always drive the speed limit.

  5. Travel early so that you don’t have to be on the road at night during this holiday; however, beware that drunk drivers can be on the road at any time of the day.

  6. Drive defensively. This way you will be able to react quickly to a reckless driver.

  7. Stay alert. Put down your phone and don’t participate in distracted driving.

Even if you did your part and drove smart and defensively, you or your loved one may be a victim of a drunk driving accident this Labor Day weekend. To find out about bringing a claim against that driver and to learn about your legal rights, contact the Law Offices of David Benenfeld at 866-9 HELP NOW or 866-943-5766 to speak with a personal injury lawyer in the Fort Lauderdale area today.

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