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Signs You Might Have a Brain Injury After a Motorcycle Accident in Florida

Brain injuries caused in motorcycle crashes continue to be reviewed and discussed, as many studies reveal that motorcycle helmets help reduce the chance for suffering a brain injury in a motorcycle accident. However, some riders in Florida still choose not to wear their motorcycle helmets. Although the law in Florida allows motorcyclists who maintain health insurance and are 21 and older to ride without their helmets, motorcycle operators who do not wear motorcycle helmets need to be aware of their risk for a brain injury.

With March being brain injury awareness month, the Law Offices of David Benenfeld would like to spotlight brain injuries, especially the signs and symptoms of brain injuries. When a motorcycle accident in Florida occurs, injured riders are likely to be worried at the sight of blood and broken bones, but riders also need to be concerned about injuries that aren’t as visible, such as brain injuries.

While some brain injuries are very severe and noticeable because of a penetrating object in the head or crack in the skull, other brain injuries can be mild in nature but still life-altering. Because mild traumatic brain injuries can be difficult to detect on the outside, motorcycle operators need to be aware of the subtle signs of a mild brain injury, including:

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Really tired and sleepy
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Horrible headache
  • Problems seeing correctly
  • Weakness and numbness
  • Confusion

According to the Brain Injury Association of America, brain injuries can cause physical challenges as well as cognitive and behavioral changes that victims can endure for a lifetime. Because any type of brain injury can be severe, it is critical that motorcyclists who have been in a crash get a thorough medical evaluation as soon as possible.

Because brain injury victims will need ongoing medical treatment, it is critical that motorcycle accident victims are compensated adequately. Unfortunately, insurance companies often downplay the seriousness of mild traumatic brain injuries, leaving victims without the proper compensation. For this reason, you should speak with an experienced motorcycle accident attorney in South Florida. Contact the Law Offices of David Benenfeld at 866-9 HELP NOW or 866-943-5766 to get your questions answered and to learn about your rights in a free consultation.

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