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Fort Lauderdale Workers' Compensation Lawyer > Blog > Slip and Fall: Premises Liability > Tips To Avoid A South Florida Slip & Fall Accident On An Escalator

Tips To Avoid A South Florida Slip & Fall Accident On An Escalator

There are thousands of escalators in operation throughout this nation in which people ride on every day. Most people step on an escalator without ever thinking about if that escalator has been properly maintained or inspected. While this is normal behavior because a regular person would have no way of knowing if the escalator was maintained properly or has a faulty part, people should still give thought to how dangerous an escalator could be before stepping onto one.

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, there are an estimated 20,000 elevator and escalator accidents in the U.S. annually. While some of these accidents occur from one’s own carelessness, the majority are the result of malfunctioning equipment, faulty parts and poor maintenance.

Sadly, small children and older adults are the most likely to get injured in a South Florida escalator accident. Research indicates that these two groups of people are more at risk for escalator malfunction injuries due to mobility problems.

Everyone should learn how to avoid an escalator injury; however, if you have children or elderly parents, you should talk to them about these helpful tips:

  • When stepping on and off escalators, step carefully.
  • Always ride in the forward facing position.
  • Always hold onto the handrails while riding escalators.
  • Make sure your shoelaces are tied before stepping onto an escalator.
  • Avoid wearing loose clothing on escalators or gather it up and keep it away from escalator sides.

While some escalator accidents in Florida can be avoided by following these tips, others occur without warning due to a malfunctioning escalator. When this occurs, people can suffer serious injuries. A malfunctioning escalator is a premises liability issue, and you should call a knowledgeable premises liability lawyer in Fort Lauderdale for legal help.

The Law Offices of David Benenfeld will give you a free consultation to help you understand your rights and learn how to protect your interests so that you can collect compensation for your Florida escalator injury. Call us today at 954-677-0155 for your complimentary case consultation.

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